Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Day 15

These photographs were taken yesterday, just two weeks after the procedure . I think we can take comfort from them, can't we? The healing seems to have ' come on' ,as Granny would say, a great deal even in the last 2 days. I am even more convinced that the steri strip is serving no purpose, other than as a comfort blanket, but, as I invested in a couple more sheets at the Pharmacist yesterday, I'll keep with them.

In terms of the way the scar feels, the skin is beginning to tingle, almost prickle, which I take to be a sign of healing, when I'm feeling positive or evidence that I've somehow stretched the wound, when I'm being negative. All this time convalescing has meant an unhealthy amount of self examination - something to which I am already prone - and I can't wait to resume my busy life when I have less time for such thoughts .

I have been out and about - a brief trip into town on day 12 and a couple of 30/40 minute dog walks but, I'm a little embarrassed to say, I have felt fatigued afterwards. Maybe it's just that inactivity breeds inactivity ?? All the reading I had intended to do hasn't materialised . Loads of Internet shopping though . Not that I'm a stranger to that particular sport. It's just that I have noticed a certain recklessness, a ' life's short ' attitude which has crept in and which I need to stifle. It's not SO short that I don't need to save enough for next week's Sainsbury's shop!!

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